Princess Remy #503
Sorry no post. 無法投遞.
(19.07.2007, 13)
Princess Remy #504
Barbra Streisand in Vienna. 一代歌后巡迴.
(26.07.2007, 15)
Princess Remy #505
Dress code. 服裝密碼.
(02.08.2007, 15)
Princess Remy #506
Again Bratislava. 又見 Bratislava.
(09.08.2007, 15)
Princess Remy #507
Sport is murder. 運動傷害.
(16.08.2007, 10)
Princess Remy #508
Princess Remy #509
Visiting doctor. 看西醫.
(30.08.2007, 14)
Princess Remy #510
Something new. 新秋新氣象.
(06.09.2007, 14)
Princess Remy #511
The Pope in Vienna. 天公不作美.
(13.09.2007, 15)
Princess Remy #512
Florence. 佛羅倫斯隨便講.
(20.09.2007, 14)
Princess Remy #513
Italian wedding. 托斯卡尼婚禮.
(27.09.2007, 14)
Princess Remy #514
Florence continues... 佛羅倫斯繼續亂亂講
(11.10.2007, 16)
Princess Remy #515
Murinsel. 我在木耳河中央.
(18.10.2007, 15)
Princess Remy #516
Graz. 依山傍水的文藝復興古城.
(24.10.2007, 17)
Princess Remy #517
Café Central. 幸福的味道.
(01.11.2007, 20)
Princess Remy #518
Lust. Caution. 湊熱鬧看色戒.
(08.11.2007, 16)
Princess Remy #519
Fans. 東西追星大不同.
(15.11.2007, 14)
Princess Remy #520
New European Union member. 莫名的歧視.
(22.11.2007, 15)
Princess Remy #521
Change. 耽於安逸的維也納人.
(29.11.2007, 14)
Princess Remy #522
Cafe of Culture. 文化咖啡館.
(06.12.2007, 16)
Princess Remy #523
Princess Remy #524
Felix Baumgartner. 台北101跳傘鐵金剛.
(20.12.2007, 12)
Princess Remy #525
French president's girlfriend. 法國總統的新戀情.
(28.12.2007, 5)
Princess Remy #526
Welcome 2008. 2008維也納新年音樂會.
(08.01.2008, 15)
Princess Remy #527
Election in Taiwan. 立委大選.
(17.01.2008, 11)
Princess Remy #528
Plastic Surgery. 整形美容/寫實恐怖
(24.01.2008, 13)
Princess Remy #529
Ball season. 大家來跳舞.
(31.01.2008, 10)
Princess Remy #530
Happy Chinese New Year!! 恭喜發財!
(07.02.2008, 8)
Princess Remy #531
Happy Valentine's day. 又是情人節?!
(14.02.2008, 15)
Princess Remy #532
Big bad wolf. 大野狼可能是母的.
(21.02.2008, 13)
Princess Remy #533
It is not a sin! 這位聽友你搞錯了吧!
(28.02.2008, 4)
Princess Remy #534
The best is....奧斯卡最佳外語片
(13.03.2008, 6)
Princess Remy #535
Some other films. 幾部看過的奧斯卡影片.
(03.04.2008, 11)
Princess Remy #536
Venus vs. Mars. 當金星遇到火星.
(10.04.2008, 14)
Princess Remy #537
Education. 都是教育惹的禍.
(17.04.2008, 11)
Princess Remy #538
Bond Fever. 大家一起瘋龐德.
(24.04.2008, 14)
Princess Remy #539
Summer pause. 音樂廳也放暑假.
(01.05.2008, 10)
Princess Remy #540
Eating. 就是愛吃想吃家鄉味啦!
(08.05.2008, 13)
Princess Remy #541
Poor bears. 可悲的動物.
(15.05.2008, 11)
Princess Remy #542
Respecting. 不止是對生命的尊重.
(22.05.2008, 11)
Princess Remy #543
Two stories. 兩個故事.
(29.05.2008, 15)
Princess Remy #544
Let's kick!! 開踢囉!!
(05.06.2008, 16)
Princess Remy #545
Something about football. 足球碎碎念.
(12.06.2008, 16)
Princess Remy #546
Vienna view. 街頭景象.
(27.06.2008, 17)
Princess Remy #547
The final. 恢復平靜.
(03.07.2008, 11)
Princess Remy #548
Here in Austria. 又要選舉了.
(10.07.2008, 15)
Princess Remy #549
Bad film. 大法師之草莓糖漿版
(16.07.2008, 12)
Princess Remy #550
Is that really so? 真的是這樣嗎?
(25.07.2008, 13)
Princess Remy #551
Sex and City. 涉及影片內容, 非喜勿進.
(31.07.2008, 13)
Princess Remy #552
Driving license. 我回來了,忙著考駕照.
(04.09.2008, 9)
Princess Remy #553
Some personal thinking. 隨性雜想, 隨口亂講.
(12.09.2008, 14)
Princess Remy #554
Still alive! 黑米還活著!
(23.12.2008, 2)
Princess Remy #555
2009 Happy New Year! 2009 新年快樂!
(03.01.2009, 11)
Princess Remy #556
C'est la vie.
(10.01.2009, 12)
Princess Remy #557
Sticky and Sweet, Madonna in Vienna. 巨星演唱會.
(17.01.2009, 13)
Princess Remy #558
No smoking. 有這麼嚴重嗎?
(24.01.2009, 13)
Princess Remy #559
Trend. 流行感,趕流行.
(13.02.2009, 10)
Princess Remy #560
Opera Ball. 歌劇院舞會初體驗.
(28.02.2009, 14)
Princess Remy #561
How to dress? 穿衣學問大.
(06.03.2009, 12)
Princess Remy #562
Spam. 有人找黑米援交耶!?
(13.03.2009, 12)
Princess Remy #563
Joseph Haydn. 交響樂之父-海頓
(20.03.2009, 14)
Princess Remy #564
Haydn in Vienna. 海頓退休後.
(27.03.2009, 17)
Princess Remy #565
It's free! 免費的幼稚園.
(10.04.2009, 20)
Princess Remy #566
I am in Italy! 在義大利發呆中!
(22.05.2009, 17)
Princess Remy #567
That's we call fashion! 現在流行什麼?
(10.06.2009, 14)
Princess Remy #568
So lazy...懶病沒藥醫.
(19.06.2009, 15)
Princess Remy #569
Be myself. 做自己最開心.
(01.07.2009, 16)
Princess Remy #570
(10.07.2009, 15)
Princess Remy #571
Keep cool. 清涼一下.
(16.07.2009, 14)
Princess Remy #572
It is so hot...天氣有夠熱!
(23.07.2009, 16)
Princess Remy #573
Edita Gruberová. 最近的新偶像.
(30.07.2009, 14)
Princess Remy #574
Beautiful women got more kids. 漂亮女人比較會生喔!
(06.08.2009, 13)
Princess Remy #575
H1N1 in Europe. 豬感冒在歐洲.
(09.09.2009, 15)
Princess Remy #576
some films. 看了幾部電影.
(23.09.2009, 17)
Princess Remy #577
Election in Germany and some other things. 德國大選以及其他.
(01.10.2009, 16)
Princess Remy #578
Internet. 網路上癮.
(08.10.2009, 15)
Princess Remy #579
Scarlet fever. 猩紅熱.
(08.11.2009, 11)
Princess Remy #580
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! 大家快樂!!
(23.12.2009, 15)
Princess Remy #581
2010 starts! 新的一年囉!
(04.01.2010, 12)
Princess Remy #582
Bad weather. 天有亂象.
(14.01.2010, 12)
Princess Remy #583
Be healthy! 健康比較重要.
(21.01.2010, 15)
Princess Remy #584
Avatar. 我看了阿凡達.
(29.01.2010, 13)
Princess Remy #585
Ball season. 舞會季節又來了.
(04.02.2010, 15)
Princess Remy #586
Princess Remy #587
A little bit strange. 這事有點奇怪.
(26.02.2010, 9)
Princess Remy #588
Death penalty. 關於死刑.
(11.03.2010, 8)
Princess Remy #589
Power of Internet. 網路的力量.
(19.03.2010, 12)
Princess Remy #590
The easter. 從復活節談起.
(08.04.2010, 15)
Princess Remy #591
Again election! 奧地利總統大選.
(15.04.2010, 12)
Princess Remy #592
Ex President vs. president. 前總統與新總統.
(04.05.2010, 9)
Princess Remy #593
(19.05.2010, 6)
Princess Remy #594
Something in Italy. 義大利海灘發生的事.
(15.06.2010, 12)
Princess Remy #595
I'm back! 我很好,我回來了!
(27.08.2010, 5)
Princess Remy #596
Claude Chabrol. 從夏布爾談起.
(13.09.2010, 10)
Princess Remy #597
Chopin and Liszt. 蕭邦與李斯特.
(22.09.2010, 11)
Princess Remy #598
2010 Election in Vienna. 維也納地方選舉.
(11.10.2010, 11)
Princess Remy #599
Taiwanese opera and Chinese pop singer in Vienna. 明華園與那英在維也納.
(27.10.2010, 11)
Princess Remy #600
After six months...消失半年的黑米.....
(26.04.2011, 13)